Organic farm

Organic farm
San Vito Agritourism is located just a short distance outside the town of Spoleto; surrounded by 50 hectares of farmland. In the last few years, we have gone against current harmful farming techniques, and taken a step back in time, to rediscover the tastes, flavours and smells that have been practically eradicated by homogeneous influence of the food industry. To do this properly the Salvi family have gone organic and now run a certified organic farm.
Organic farming means that only natural substances are used to aid production and to treat produce. No chemical fertilisers or pesticides are used in the growing process and no non-natural preservatives are used to treat the food. Organic products are grown without any chemical enhancement and with total respect for the environment.


The secret of producing good meat hinges principally on two factors. ‘clean' organic stock that is left free to rroam and graze in clean and uncontaminated pastures.
Organic stock is ensured by breeding all of the animals on the farm and feeding them with home produced organic animal feed, thereby ensuring that the final product is both healthy and natural.
In the summer, cows are sent up to the mountains to graze freely in pastures that are rich in a wide variety of natural vegetation and provides an environment that is particularly well suited to animal rearing.
The exceptionally high quality of cheeses and salamis you can taste at San Vito, are living proof that the fact that organic faming makes a huge difference to the taste and quality of the final produc